Does the library have a subscription to Kanopy?

I need to watch a documentary for my class that is available through Kanopy. Can I access Kanopy through the library for free?


The HSHSL does not have a subscription to Kanopy. The UMB School of Social Work has Kanopy access, but access to their account is restricted to approved usages. 

However, Kanopy is available through some public libraries, including the Enoch Pratt Free Library (EPFL). Maryland residents can apply online for an EPFL eCard that will allow them to access Kanopy by signing in at the EPFL Kanopy site with their library card number and PIN or password. If you already have a standard library card with EPFL, you just can sign in using the card number and PIN or password associated with that account.

Other local libraries, including Baltimore County Public Library, also provide Kanopy access for their borrowers:


  • Last Updated Mar 16, 2022
  • Views 66
  • Answered By Michele Nance

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