How do I add a virtual oral presentation at a national meeting to a CV?

How do I add a virtual oral presentation at at national meeting to a CV? The oral presentation was originally in person at a national convention scheduled for September 2020 which has now been changed to a totally virtually meeting. How is this recorded in a CV? Is mention made that it is a virtual presentation? Is the url included?


The American Psychological Association's APA Style Blog offers guidance on listing conference presentations on your CV for conferences that have been canceled or changed to a virtual format in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The blog entry addresses a number of possible scenarios. For guidance on referencing virtual/online conferences, please scroll down to scenarios 2 and 3 in the numbered list:

Please note that the APA Style Blog guidance says, "There is no need to indicate that the conference is online only. Online-only conferences use the same template as in-person conferences." 

As for the location of the conference, The APA Publication Manual (7th ed.), Section 9.31 Works With Specific Locations, states, "For works associated with a specific location, such as conference presentations, ... include the location in the source element of the reference to help with retrieval" (p. 297). So for a conference that is NOT associated with a specific location because it was planned and held online only, you do not include a physical location, nor do you include "virtual" or "online" where the physical location would typically appear.

Do include the URL of the conference as the final element of the reference.

  • Last Updated Oct 04, 2021
  • Views 18726
  • Answered By Michele Nance

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  1. This response does not answer the question. The request was how to reference an online conference - not one that was cancelled. APA style for conference presentations requires that the conference location be noted - what does one do when the conference is virtual? - do you identify the location as "online", "virtual", leave it blank, or something else?
    by Lloyd on Feb 22, 2021
  2. That APA Style Blog entry may refer to cancelled conferences in the entry title, but if you scroll down to view/read the full response, you will see it addresses various scenarios of the pandemic's effect on professional conferences: Scenarios number 2 and 3 provide guidance for referencing conferences that are (or were changed to) online only (2), and for referencing conferences that took place (online or in-person), but you were unable to attend or present (3). APA guidance for conference presentations only requires that the conference location be noted when the conference is associated with a specific location. If there is no associated location, you simply DO NOT INCLUDE a location. If there is a URL for the online conference, be sure to include that as the final element of the reference.
    by Michele Nance on Feb 22, 2021
  3. This still does not answer the question. How do you cite a conference that was originally planned as virtual (not changed to virtual) and that you presented at virtually. The blog only tells you what to do if the conference had an original location, was canceled or you were unable to present.
    by JT on Mar 03, 2021
  4. Read scenario number 2 in the APA Style Blog's answer, "There is no need to indicate that the conference is online only. Online-only conferences use the same template as in-person conferences." The original question was specifically about conferences that were planned to be held in person and were changed to online in response to the pandemic. However, the APA answer says "there is no need indicate that a conference is online only," so it does not matter whether it was planned to be virtual or changed to virtual.
    by Michele Nance on Mar 03, 2021
  5. Thank you so much, your answers are very thorough and helpful!
    by Augusta on Mar 03, 2021