Can I get access to additional EBSCO Host databases?

Good afternoon,

Thank you for taking the time to review my questions. In preparation for a potential research initiative I wanted to determine if it is possible to gain access to the following databases (through EBSCO Host) that are not currently available through HSHSL - Academic Search Complete, Education Research Complete, and ERIC.

I'm not sure what the constraints are on accessing databases that are not currently available through a database search on the HSHSL website. If you could please let me know if there are any options that can be pursued please let me know.


The HS/HSL subscribes to both ERIC and Academic Search Complete as part of our EBSCOhost package.  You can access both databases through our A-Z Databases list  Click on E from the alphabetical list to see the link to ERIC and A to see the link to Academic Search Complete.

However, we do not subscribe to Education Research Complete

Towson University's Cook Library offers Education Research Complete. As staff of UMB, you should be able to use databases of other libraries in the UM system, as long as you visit those libraries and do your searching on-site.  Off-site access to Towson's library resources would require a Towson login.  

I would recommend giving the library a call to ensure you will have access before you visit. 

Towson University Cook Library:


  • Last Updated Apr 04, 2023
  • Views 158
  • Answered By Michele Nance

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