How can I access the REDcap program?


The following information about REDCap is taken from the UMB Clinical and Translational Research Informatics Center (CTRIC) website:

To use REDCap, users need a UMID and access to the REDCap-SOM VPN for use at or outside of the University. To gain access to the VPN and/or the REDCap system, send an email to requesting access, and include your name and UMID (ex. jsmith). Once you have been added to the system, instructions will be sent to you.

REDCap is a secure, web-based application for building and managing online surveys and databases.  

Now researchers can access all the details of a study from anywhere using REDCap. Log in to the secure site and enter data, manage subjects, update protocol details, manage users, export a dataset, verify data entry, and more. Our staff can help researchers set up rules to automate data verification. Give any member of the study team access to the study site with varying levels of permission and user status.

  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2018
  • Views 716
  • Answered By Chris Hansen

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