How do I search for research articles from a particular journal?

I would like to browse/search for articles from a gerontological nursing journal (e.g., Geriatric Nursing, Journal of Gerontological Nursing or Research in Gerontological Nursing)


You can do this in two different ways:

1. If you start at the library's homepage and clink on the Journals link, you can search for a specific journal and after entering the journal search within it.

2 You can also use a Database: You would first go to Databases and enter Medline. Once there, you can search for a journal title. Make sure you click the Journal title option instead of author or keyword. Then you can search for a topic and combine both result sets with AND. That will narrow the results to only articles on your topic from the journal you searched for.

  • Last Updated Jun 09, 2017
  • Views 84
  • Answered By Chris Hansen

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