Global news database search

I am working on a literature review specifically of events in developing countries, and I was wondering if there is a good database for global newspaper articles (only need to date back 10 years or so). Thoughts?


The library subscribes to National Newspapers, which can be found alphabetically in our database list. This will cover only american newspapers, though. You will find some international press coverage in Academic Search Premier and Business Source Premier, also available from the database list. If I were doing this search however, and international newspapers with local coverage of news events is what I was looking for, I would search Google News. If you go to the regular Google homepage and search for your topic, you will see a "News" tab at the top of the page. Clicking that tab will discard any results that are not news stories. If that doesn't yield enough international results, I would perform the same search again but trying the different international versions of google. EX:,, etc.


  • Last Updated Jun 08, 2017
  • Views 37
  • Answered By Chris Hansen

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