How can I tell if a journal is peer reviewed or not?


The database Ulrichsweb allows you to find information about serial publications, including whether the serial is peer-reviewed or not. Ulrichsweb is available from the library's Databases list.

Search for the journal (or other serial publication) by title. The Ulrichsweb record for the serial includes a field labeled Refereed that will be set to Yes or No. Referred is a synonym for "peer-reviewed," so peer-reviewed publications are marked Refereed - Yes and include an icon of a black-and-white striped referee jersey.

Please note that Ulrichsweb relies on serial data provided to them by publishers. They do not independently verify the peer-review status of serials in their directory.

  • Last Updated Apr 09, 2021
  • Views 168
  • Answered By Michele Nance

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