Can you access UpToDate from home?


UpToDate, licensed by the University of Maryland Medical Center, is available for off-campus use.

To set up your off-site access, begin by registering for an UpToDate account. The account will allow you to access UpToDate on the website or via the app without using your UMID. To register, access UpToDate from on campus, or via this HS/HSL link (UMID and password required). Once on the UpToDate website, click on the orange Register button and follow the prompts.

Your UpToDate account will allow you to access the website and the app (available free for iOS and Android). It will also allow you to earn CME credits.

Once you create your account, you will need to access UpToDate at least once every 90 days from UMMC’s network or via the HS/HSL link to maintain your access.



  • Last Updated Oct 28, 2024
  • Views 5810
  • Answered By Michele Nance

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